YouSpace - Switch to Space

YouSpace is a non-profit organization, created the 13rd October 2014, bringing together all the Belgian Space sectors: Universities (North, Center and South), Research Centres (SCKCEN, VKI Institute) Industry, Institutions (Belspo, members of the European Commission and ESA), Master’s Students, PhD’s and Young Professionals.

The role of YouSpace is to anticipate the forthcoming lack of graduates in order to avoid our industries finding themselves critically short of specialized staff indispensable for innovation and competitiveness. Our aim is to extend YouSpace from its Belgian base to all European countries active in the space sector: each country being autonomous but sharing all the information and forming a big community.

En savoir plus

Dominique Tilmans - YouSpace

Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees - 6th October - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

What an opportunity to organize our 5th “Meeting Space Mentors/Space Mentees” in the context of the “25 years of Belgians in Space!

YouSpace will focus this time on space life sciences and medical professions … indissociable from space conquest!


2017 is a very special year for Belgium. The entire country celebrates its two famous Belgian astronauts, Dirk Frimout and Frank de Winne, who flew to space 25, 15 and 10 years ago. The 25th anniversary fits within the World Space Week that is held from 4 till 10 October all over the world. This year’s theme is “ Exploring New World in Space”.

We, SCK•CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Mol), would like to invite you on 6 October 2017 to celebrate this anniversary in presence of astronaut Frank de Winne. This day will be dedicated to the Belgian contribution to human spaceflights in view of future human space exploration. This is a unique opportunity for scientists, professionals and students to share their experiences.

You can find information related to this event in the link hereunder.